Sunday, May 26, 2013

Eyebrow piercing

For standard primary piercing of an eyebrow it is best of all to use microbananas or microbars. Their form and thickness (1.0мм x 10MM/12MM) best of all promotes channel formation in an eyebrow. Bars and rings 1.6мм x 10MM/12MM can be used only if you can guarantee to the piercing full inviolability and an atravmatichnost.

From two weeks to 1 month depending on an organism.

Washing procedure standard, X./M. solution 2 times a day.

The main problem consists in to touching ornament and furthermore - not to subject to traumas even the healed puncture. Actually испещерена blood vessels and the slightest trauma will lead an eyebrow to a rupture of fabrics, plentiful bleeding and infection distribution. Ornament it is necessary to take out and заращивать a wound.

When using low-quality jewelry there are rejection problems: the organism doesn't accept "dirty" metals from surgical/medical steel and tries to push out them outside.
At insufficiently deep puncture skin starts being formed UNDER ornament, thereby lifting ornament to edge of an integument and finally pushes out it.

At hit of an infection it is necessary to find out immediately the reason (for example, from hands, which always the dirty; at the wrong washing-provorachivanii; at traumas and so forth) and to appoint antiseptic compresses:
- in the morning and in the evening for 1-2 minutes to put a tampon with X./M. to a puncture place. It is necessary to apply antiseptic ointments (левомеколь, tetracycline ointment and so forth) only in difficult cases (e.g. at infection hit) and it is strict according to the summary to medicine. If the infection can't be liquidated within 2-3 days, ornament needs to be taken out, and a puncture зарастить.

In addition.
Repeatedly it is possible to pierce an eyebrow only in cases of full healing of the old channel. It is impossible to do 2 punctures at once since fabrics when healing are pulled together and channels prevent to be formed freely each other.
The more detail you can read here

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